What it Means to Have Minimally Invasive Shoulder Surgery

shoulder xray

Having completed more than six thousand shoulder surgeries, the doctors at Greater Orlando Orthopedic Group know that the minimally invasive outpatient approach to shoulder surgery is the preferred method for both surgeons and patients verses open surgery.

Qualifications for Invasive Surgery

Thanks to the advancements in general anesthesia, surgical treatment techniques and the latest design in implants, the procedures are taking much less time. For a typical patient (not going through a repair, bone defect or break, etc.) the typical outpatient procedure will take less than an hour. This shorter amount of time means less trauma to the body. Surgery is controlled trauma. So the less the time, the less trauma, the less invasive the surgery. 

Another factor that contributes to making shoulder joint surgery minimally invasive is less blood loss and smaller incisions. Typically smaller surgical tools and the latest innovative implants are used when performing minimally invasive shoulder surgery. At Greater Orlando Orthopedic Group, our surgeons use the latest tools, such as arthroscopic procedures performed with a camera as small as a needle.

Finally, due to the use of nerve blocks and anesthesia, patients are typically wide awake once their surgery is over. This allows them to walk out of the recovery room the same day. So, short surgical time, pain reducing anesthesia protocols and implant innovations, less blood loss are all part of what makes a surgery truly minimally invasive. Due to these factors age limits are not typically an issue and patients can go home and use their arm to eat, drink, shower, shave, and dress almost immediately. 

Read more about the shoulder conditions we treat here.

The surgeons of Greater Orlando Orthopedic Group perform these cutting-edge minimally invasive procedures in their newly opened, state-of-the-art surgical center in Orlando. To learn more about our minimally invasive shoulder surgeries, schedule a consultation by calling (407) 977-4130.